
Learning New Languages And The Brain


Why learn new languages?

Ever wanted to pick up a new language? Looking to travel, but too embarrassed to try communicating in the new land?

Forget the translating apps and electronic devices, those may not be readily available as needed. Learning new languages has several positive effects on the brain. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Cognitive Flexibility: Learning a new language requires your brain to switch between different language structures, grammar rules, and vocabulary. This constant mental shifting enhances cognitive flexibility, making it easier for you to adapt to new situations and tasks in everyday life.

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  • Memory Improvement: Learning and recalling new vocabulary and grammar rules exercises your memory. Over time, this strengthens your ability to memorize information, which can be beneficial in various aspects of life.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: When you learn a new language, you often encounter and solve language-related problems, such as figuring out the meaning of unfamiliar words or constructing coherent sentences. This problem-solving aspect of language learning sharpens your analytical skills.
  • Enhanced Executive Function: Language learning engages executive functions like attention, planning, and problem-solving. This can improve your ability to concentrate, manage time efficiently, and make decisions.
  • Delaying Cognitive Decline: Some studies suggest that bilingualism and multilingualism may delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. The constant mental exercise of switching between languages seems to contribute to increased brain resilience.
  • Increased Metacognition: Learning a language often involves self-reflection and awareness of your own language skills. This metacognitive aspect of language learning can help you understand your learning process better and improve your overall self-regulation and learning abilities.
  • Improved Communication Skills: Learning a new language requires you to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. As you develop these skills, you become more adept at expressing yourself effectively, even in your native language.
  • Cultural Awareness: Language and culture are closely interconnected. Learning a new language exposes you to different cultures, customs, and perspectives, fostering a sense of empathy and open-mindedness.
  • Brain Plasticity: Language learning stimulates brain plasticity, which is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself and form new connections. The more you learn, the more you reinforce neural pathways and create new ones, keeping your brain active and adaptable.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Understanding and communicating in different languages can lead to a deeper appreciation for diversity and a broader worldview. This can enhance your ability to empathize and connect with people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

Overall, learning new languages can be a mentally enriching and stimulating experience that positively impacts various aspects of brain function and cognition. It’s like giving your brain a good workout, leading to a healthier and more agile mind.

According to the
Montreal Neurological Institute & Hospital, McGill University Canada
Available online 30 August 2004.-

Neuroimaging data, we argue, support the notion that the neural representation of a second language converges with the representation of that language learned as a first language and that language production in bilinguals is a dynamic process involving cortical and subcortical structures that make use of inhibition to resolve lexical competition and to select the intended language.”

Did you know-


There are more than 7,100 languages are spoken in the world today. Each and every one of them make the world a diverse and beautiful place. Sadly, some of these languages are less widely spoken than others. Take Busuu, for example – we’re named after a language spoken by only eight people?


Taj Mahal

What Are Some Of The Easier Languages To Learn?

The ease of learning a language can vary depending on factors such as your native language, previous language learning experience, and personal preferences. However, some languages are generally considered easier for English speakers to learn due to similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics. Here are a few languages that are often regarded as relatively easy to learn for English speakers:

  1. Spanish: Spanish is a Romance language, like French and Italian, and shares many cognates (words that are similar in both languages) with English. Its pronunciation is generally straightforward, and the grammar is simpler than some other languages.

  2. French: French is another Romance language with a significant number of English loanwords. Its straightforward pronunciation (once you get used to some new sounds) and relatively regular grammar make it accessible for English speakers.

  3. Italian: Italian is yet another Romance language, and its phonetics are quite consistent, making pronunciation easier for English speakers. The grammar is also relatively regular.

  4. Dutch: Dutch shares some similarities with English, including vocabulary and grammar. It is considered easier to pick up than some other Germanic languages.

  5. Portuguese: Portuguese is a Romance language closely related to Spanish, and while its pronunciation may be a bit tricky initially, its grammar and vocabulary are relatively straightforward.

  6. Norwegian: Among the Scandinavian languages, Norwegian is often considered the easiest for English speakers. It has simpler grammar compared to Swedish and Danish.

  7. Swedish: Although Swedish grammar can be more complex than Norwegian, its pronunciation is generally more straightforward than Danish.

  8. Esperanto: Designed to be an easy-to-learn constructed international auxiliary language, Esperanto has a logical grammar and relatively simple vocabulary.

Remember that while some languages may be considered “easier” to start with, becoming truly proficient in any language requires time, practice, and dedication. Motivation and interest in the language and its culture can also play a significant role in your success in learning a new language.

Which languages have the most words in their dictionaries?

LanguageWords in the Dictionary

Which languages are The Hardest?

Determining the absolute “hardest” language to learn is challenging because the difficulty can vary depending on the learner’s native language and previous language learning experience. However, certain languages are often considered more challenging for English speakers due to significant differences in vocabulary, grammar, writing systems, or phonetics. Here are some languages that are generally regarded as more difficult for English speakers to learn:

  1. Mandarin Chinese: Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language with four main tones and a vast number of characters in its writing system. Learning to distinguish and produce the different tones can be particularly challenging for English speakers.

  2. Arabic: Arabic has a complex writing system with a unique script that is written from right to left. It also has various dialects and a different grammatical structure than English.

  3. Japanese: Japanese uses three writing systems: kanji (characters borrowed from Chinese), hiragana, and katakana. The use of kanji and the different politeness levels in speech can be difficult for English speakers to grasp.

  4. Korean: Korean has a unique writing system called Hangul, which is relatively simple to learn. However, the grammar and honorifics system can be challenging to master.

  5. Russian: The Russian language has a Cyrillic alphabet, which is different from the Latin alphabet used in English. The complex system of cases and verb conjugations can also be tricky for English speakers.

  6. Hungarian: Hungarian is a Finno-Ugric language, making it quite different from the Indo-European languages most familiar to English speakers. It has complex grammar and extensive agglutination (word formation through suffixes).

  7. Finnish: Finnish is another Finno-Ugric language with a reputation for being challenging. It has many cases, extensive vowel harmony, and a unique word order.

  8. Navajo: Navajo is a Native American language with complex verbs and a highly intricate system of word tones and sandhi (sound changes when words are combined).

  9. Polish: Polish has a complex system of consonant clusters and a rich inflectional system with seven cases.

  10. Icelandic: Icelandic has retained many features of Old Norse, including intricate grammar and challenging pronunciation.

It’s important to note that while these languages may present more difficulties initially, with dedication, practice, and immersion, anyone can learn any language. The level of difficulty is not a barrier to language learning, and the enjoyment and personal fulfillment that come from learning any language can make the journey worthwhile.


While using apps, Google Translate, and pocket translators seem helpful- you never know when none of those may be at your disposal. Your brain has way more to gain by exercising it’s cognitive and language capabilities.  Have faith in yourself and give learning a new language a try!

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